Updating the Lenovo IdeaPad B50-70 BIOS in Ubuntu

Amichai Rotman amichai at iglu.org.il
Sat Apr 25 13:42:12 UTC 2015

Hello Guys,

I bought a Lenovo B50-70 without any OS on it (not even FreeDOS) and
installed Ubuntu 14.04 on it without any problems. Everything works great.

I noticed there is a new version of my Laptop's BIOS (Currently I have
v2.07 and the new one in v3.0) and I wanted to update...

Silly me... We live in Bill Gate's world...

   1. There is no way to install the BIOS from within the current BIOS
   (like with Asus).
   2. There is no DOS-like BIOS installer on the Lenovo Support site
   3. No option for Linux, DOS or Other in the OS list (Only Win7 & 8)


Trying to run the Window installer under Hiren's BootCD's Mini WinXP gives
me the "Insert System Battery" error...

I know there there are command line tools in Ubuntu to manipulate the BIOS.

The BIOS Management firmware on the laptop is InsydeH20 v3.7

Is it safe to do it with the BIOS utils in the Ubuntu repos?

Is there a way to do it without involving the Redmond BSOD Giant?


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