Sloppy workaround for unreported bug: floppy mounts with root owner

John Hupp ubuntu at
Sun Apr 19 18:00:59 UTC 2015

On 4/19/2015 12:52 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 19 April 2015 at 02:09, John Hupp <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> I would be happy to hear about it if someone can come up with an improved
>> workaround!
> Lubuntu 14.04 is slowly dropping support for older hardware now.
> You might do better with LXLE -- it has an updated build based on
> (L)Ubuntu 12.04.

An interesting observation.

But if I recall correctly, *buntu 12.04 did not support floppies under 
udisks1.* (there was a bug).  The only solution was upgrade to udisks2, 
which became available in 13.04 or 13.10.

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