Blu-ray problem

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Mon Sep 29 20:43:23 UTC 2014

** Reply to message from NoOp <glgxg at> on Mon, 29 Sep 2014
10:42:03 -0700

> On 09/28/2014 07:53 PM, Bob wrote:
> > ** Reply to message from NoOp <glgxg at> on Sun, 28 Sep 2014
> > 17:47:07 -0700
> > 
> >> >> I might be wrong, or my info might be out of date, but my understanding
> >> >> is that you can't play blu-ray discs on ubuntu / Linux.
> Sure you can. SMPlayer and VLC can play *non-protected* bluray videos.

I had tried SMPlayer and Mplayer previously without success.  Since the URL is
for a newer version I tried it again.  Still nothing will play the video.

> >> > It looks like you are correct as no one has any suggestions on how to get it
> >> > working.
> >> 
> >> <>
> >> type 'bluray' in the search box.
> > 
> > Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
> > 
> > Using Ubuntu 14.04 and Firefox 32.0.3 and doing
> > 
> > ""
> > "type 'bluray' in the search box."
> > 
> > I get a message
> > 
> > "Search Results
> > loading"
> > 
> > So I used another operating system (OS/2) and looked at some of the 505 results
> > for the search.  I see the same procedures that I have already done (as I have
> > shown in a previous message) and which did not get Bluray working.

I had already been to that web page and ignored it as it is four years old.

> > If you know which one of those search results is the one that will get Bluray
> > working please post its URL.
> > 
> Actually your issue appears to be with Advanced Access Content System
> (AACS) encrypted *protected* bluray video's... correct?

AACS may be the problem but I don't know that for sure.  I do have some AACS
keys ~/.config/aacs.

> If so you should
> be asking this on some other list as the practice is/can be construed as
> being illegal in multiple countries.

I am not trying to copy the videos I have purchased, just trying to view them
so I don't see why that would be illegal anywhere.

What list would you recommend?

Since VLC and MPlayer both say they can display Bluray videos I am just trying
to get one of them working.  I have had to install other software to get VLC to
display some of my DVD videos which is why I am spending most of my time trying
to get it working with Bluray.

Robert Blair

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