12.04 update problem - software re "hardware" update

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Mon Sep 29 04:08:52 UTC 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014, 7:23:35 PM, rikona wrote:

> Sunday, September 28, 2014, 12:23:16 AM, Nils wrote:

>> So I think you should check which xserver packages are installed and
>> possibly replace them with the standard version. You could use the 
>> command

>> dpkg --get-selections|grep xorg

> Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I seem to be stuck with an
> unresponsive comp described in another email...

I've been rummaging around on the net looking for useful information,
and just ran across something that might be significant at: 


It mentions upgrading the HWE stack, and notes that it must be done
only from the CLI with a very EXACT command line. The article notes
that if you don't do it that way, then "apt will probably remove most
of your system". This describes reasonably well what I observed
visually during the update. The progress line looked like it was
deleting huge numbers of things as fast as possible for quite a while.
Since this was done with a graphical tool, and not the CLI, it may be
that the graphical tool has again screwed up an update. If, indeed,
most of my system has been removed, that could account for why it is
so unresponsive to either the mouse or any of the usual keyboard keys. 

The article also mentions that a 12.04.4 iso with the correct HWE
stack is available on the Ubuntu website. I REALLY would not prefer to
do a 12.04 reinstall. Could there be a way to use this iso to restore
my system to its previous state? 

Not sure this is useful, but I appreciate any comments about this




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