new monitor --> bad fonts?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Sep 28 09:20:53 UTC 2014

On 28 September 2014 09:34, thufir <hawat.thufir at> wrote:
> My old benq monitor died, forget the model number, so I'm now using a
> Samsung 713N.  However, I notice that fonts no longer display as nicely.
> Is it possible that this is a hardware problem with the computer?  Or, is
> it resolution?
> Even nicer, would be just install fonts.  However, everything looked
> nicer on the old monitor, leading me to think it's either a setting, or
> possibly hardware.
> I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.

Can you give us a bit of a screen shot to show what you mean?  I would
have expected Fonts in, for example, LibreOffice or a browser, to look
exactly the same.


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