Ubuntu upgrades

Chris cpollock at embarqmail.com
Sat Sep 27 02:23:47 UTC 2014

On Fri, 2014-09-26 at 13:46 -0500, Sajan Parikh wrote:
> On 09/26/2014 01:34 PM, Chris wrote:
> > Question from a new Ubuntu user. Previously when running
> > Mandrake/Mandriva I would upgrade to what would be considered major
> > upgrades such as 2009 to 2010 and so forth. I see that Ubuntu 14.10 is
> > soon to be released, is this then a major update from 14.04? Next
> > question then is if so what is the easiest way to do the upgrade without
> > destroying my current 14.04 system?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Chris
> >
> Yes, 14.10 would be considered the next version after 14.04.  The 
> numbers are based on the year and month of released, 2014 April and 2014 
> October.
> When 14.10 is released, your system in most cases will alert you on the 
> release upgrade and you'll be taken through a special upgrade dialog.  
> Review what's going on, and hit next.  You'll be done in no time.  
> Although, it is important to realize that nobody can guarantee NOTHING 
> will break.  For the most part though, consecutive release upgrades 
> don't cause too many issues.  If you were upgrading something like 12.10 
> to 14.10, you might have more of a hassle.
> Now, I said that your system will alert you; I lied.  Since you have 
> 14.04, that is considered a Long Term Release and gets support for 5 
> years.  By default, long term releases only alert you to the next long 
> term release version, which will be 16.04 in 2016.  You should change 
> this setting in the "Software & Updates" application. Go to the 
> 'Updates' tab and the last setting is 'Notify me of new Ubuntu version', 
> change it from the long term release option to the 'any Ubuntu release' 
> option.
> Sajan Parikh
Thanks, it was already set to 'any new version' so I should be ok.

31.11°N 97.89°W (Elev. 1092 ft)
21:23:08 up 22:45, 1 user, load average: 0.60, 0.48, 0.37
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, kernel 3.13.0-37-generic

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