Ubuntu upgrades

Sajan Parikh sajan at parikh.io
Fri Sep 26 18:46:06 UTC 2014

On 09/26/2014 01:34 PM, Chris wrote:
> Question from a new Ubuntu user. Previously when running
> Mandrake/Mandriva I would upgrade to what would be considered major
> upgrades such as 2009 to 2010 and so forth. I see that Ubuntu 14.10 is
> soon to be released, is this then a major update from 14.04? Next
> question then is if so what is the easiest way to do the upgrade without
> destroying my current 14.04 system?
> Thanks
> Chris
Yes, 14.10 would be considered the next version after 14.04.  The 
numbers are based on the year and month of released, 2014 April and 2014 

When 14.10 is released, your system in most cases will alert you on the 
release upgrade and you'll be taken through a special upgrade dialog.  
Review what's going on, and hit next.  You'll be done in no time.  
Although, it is important to realize that nobody can guarantee NOTHING 
will break.  For the most part though, consecutive release upgrades 
don't cause too many issues.  If you were upgrading something like 12.10 
to 14.10, you might have more of a hassle.

Now, I said that your system will alert you; I lied.  Since you have 
14.04, that is considered a Long Term Release and gets support for 5 
years.  By default, long term releases only alert you to the next long 
term release version, which will be 16.04 in 2016.  You should change 
this setting in the "Software & Updates" application. Go to the 
'Updates' tab and the last setting is 'Notify me of new Ubuntu version', 
change it from the long term release option to the 'any Ubuntu release' 

Sajan Parikh

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