Cannot open blank DVDs under 14.04 - solved

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Sep 20 07:53:29 UTC 2014

On 20 September 2014 01:22, Phil <phil_lor at> wrote:
> On 09/20/2014 07:13 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>> If you open brasero or whatever is the DVD writer on your system does
>> it see the disc?  In other words is it just the automatic detection
>> that is not working or does it not see it at all?
> Thank you everyone for your replies.
> The DVD drive in my Xububtu laptop has finally failed, it was always dodgy,
> and the external USB drive is not detected by KB3, in fact the system does
> not detect a blank DVD at all, in my Kubuntu laptop. However, blank DVDs are
> detected in the USB drive using Xfburn and Thunar under Xubuntu. From there
> it was a simple matter to burn the iso file to the DVD.
> After a bit of fiddling around I was able to get my friend's laptop to boot
> from the DVD and now we have Xubuntu installed and one less item in
> landfill. I think my friend's son, who is a virus magnet, is going to be
> disappointed but at least the operating system will be safe.

As a matter of interest, on the working system do you see anything
different in dmesg after plugging in the drive?  Specifically the line
showing the capabilities of the device.


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