
Niles Rogoff nilesrogoff at
Sat Sep 20 04:52:09 UTC 2014

The ubuntu install disk does have the capability to manually install grub

> On Sep 19, 2014, at 19:34, Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
>> On 09/19/2014 06:58 PM, oclad wesley wrote:
>> I have installed a newer version over an older one. no problems. did not mess with windows either.
>> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Grizzly <Real_Grizz_Adams at <mailto:Real_Grizz_Adams at>> wrote:
>>    Hi All
>>    First question here, I have made a 14.4 duel boot (Win 7) system, but during
>>    an
>>    overnight update "something" went wrong and even after going thru the repair
>>    option I still get endless "a system problem occurred... Report?" so my
>>    question can I install 14.4.1 LTS over 14.4 without frigging either Win 7 or
>>    adding even more partitions to the HD
>>    I guess I could just try but seems better to ask here first, up till now I
>>    have
>>    always had a dedicated system to test Ubuntu on
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>> From Oclad
> You should be able to install a different Ubuntu or other Linux version over your existing
> install, being very careful of where (in what partition(s) you put it. However, it would
> make more sense to try and find out what happened to the existing installation. (Did it
> ever work? If it did, then it should still.) You need to run fsck on the partition where it's 
> installed. It probably won't hurt to run memtest also, but if you do that, you need to let it 
> run overnight, at least. 
> Does Windows still work? If so, that should increase your confidence in the hardware. If not,
> then something in the hardware may be the problem.
> One other thing: Can you reinstall the boot loader from your install disk? (I don't know if 
> your install disk has that capability.) If you can, then do so. Won't hurt, might fix things. 
> --doug
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