Colin Law
clanlaw at
Fri Sep 19 21:17:12 UTC 2014
On 19 September 2014 20:05, Grizzly <Real_Grizz_Adams at> wrote:
> Hi All
> First question here, I have made a 14.4 duel boot (Win 7) system, but during
> an
> overnight update "something" went wrong and even after going thru the repair
> option I still get endless "a system problem occurred... Report?" so my
> question can I install 14.4.1 LTS over 14.4 without frigging either Win 7 or
> adding even more partitions to the HD
> I guess I could just try but seems better to ask here first, up till now I
> have
> always had a dedicated system to test Ubuntu on
Choose "Something Else" when it asks how you want to install it,
select the partition you want to overwrite and click Change (I think,
something like that) then select mount as '/' and Format.
Make sure anything important is backed up first of course.
However Niles is correct, it is very rare for a linux system to be
completely trashed, and with more information it may be fixable, but
if you have nothing significant on the system then re-install may be
the right solution for you.
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