Unset Caps Lock from being Super

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 06:21:34 UTC 2014

On 14 September 2014 21:23, Doug <dmcgarrett at optonline.net> wrote:
> It sounds like you somehow put a modification into the keyboard itself.
> If not, then the keyboard should work as a normal k/b on any OS you
> plug it in to

No, it's a laptop. I can't attach the keyboard to anything else.

The snag is -- was -- that using the internal k/b, which is relatively
cramped, I kept hitting CapsLock by mistake and when it's Super its
effects are even more disruptive than some capital letters.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: lproven at hotmail.com • Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
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