Wanted: Pro to build dual boot Ubuntu

Charles Irons irons.charles at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 16:27:42 UTC 2014

Hi all

I have followed Joep Blom's saga with wine and am impressed by the
willing help Colin, Nils and others have offered.

I hope this forum will find a professional who provides a commercial
service in Randburg.  

I am a retired end-user of Ubuntu 12.04 on a 9 year old desktop that I
need to replace. It dual boots Win XP.

The SARS online efiling won't work with Ubuntu since Adobe  dropped
Flashplayer for Linux. So I  assume I need Win 8 as well.

Trouble is I doubt my skills are good enough to install dual boot Ubuntu
14.04 LTS and Win 7 or 8 on a new desktop .

Any advice or offer to work for me is welcome.

PS I started on Ubuntu with 5.04 LTS

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