switch KB layout

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp
Fri Oct 31 16:53:55 UTC 2014

Has nobody any ideas about this problem?
It happens on all computers I have tried lately.

It definitely makes the computer look like a moody teenaged girl
and renders it totally unfit for (earnest) work.


(2014/10/23 1:31), Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
> Good evening
> I gave up trying to rescue the system after the VB / VM insanity.
> Now, I just made a clean new install (xubuntu 14.04 = tuxtrans)
> Ran Software Update (probably successfully)
> Language support update ->
> * deleted Spanish + Italian which I do not need
> * added Japanese + German
> Keyboard Layout:
> Deleted English, Spanish, Italian
> Added Japanese, German (Querty)
> * Switch with "Shift + Alt"
> Ibus setup (had trouble, as usual, making that "Anthy" thing appear)
> Finally succeeded, somehow.
> Input method: I set it to a key in the left upper corner of the keyboard
> called here "Zenkaku"
> (deleted the preset: "control+space"
> Fresh start of computer or new login:
> * Shift + Alt switches between Japanese and German KB layouts.
> * HOWEVER, if I just touch the input method, either by clicking the icon
> or using that "Zenkaku" key ...
> The switch between KB layouts is disabled (although the KB layouts are
> still listed) and will not work until I login anew.
> As I said, this is a clean new install, where I touch ONLY a few items
> under language support and keyboard layout.
> I cannot have made SO MUCH wrong or upset this extremely delicate system.
> So, what precisely is happening here?
> Is is really asking too much being able to switch between two KB layouts?
> I appreciate any help.
> (unfortunately I am sure, I will have more problems with each following
> step of the new setup and keep asking questions ...)
> Thomas

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