switch KB layout

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp
Wed Oct 22 16:31:41 UTC 2014

Good evening
I gave up trying to rescue the system after the VB / VM insanity.

Now, I just made a clean new install (xubuntu 14.04 = tuxtrans)
Ran Software Update (probably successfully)
Language support update ->
* deleted Spanish + Italian which I do not need
* added Japanese + German

Keyboard Layout:
Deleted English, Spanish, Italian
Added Japanese, German (Querty)
* Switch with "Shift + Alt"

Ibus setup (had trouble, as usual, making that "Anthy" thing appear)
Finally succeeded, somehow.
Input method: I set it to a key in the left upper corner of the keyboard
called here "Zenkaku"
(deleted the preset: "control+space"

Fresh start of computer or new login:
* Shift + Alt switches between Japanese and German KB layouts.
* HOWEVER, if I just touch the input method, either by clicking the icon
or using that "Zenkaku" key ...

The switch between KB layouts is disabled (although the KB layouts are
still listed) and will not work until I login anew.

As I said, this is a clean new install, where I touch ONLY a few items
under language support and keyboard layout.
I cannot have made SO MUCH wrong or upset this extremely delicate system.
So, what precisely is happening here?
Is is really asking too much being able to switch between two KB layouts?

I appreciate any help.
(unfortunately I am sure, I will have more problems with each following
step of the new setup and keep asking questions ...)


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