Pyrenamer - a new problem - is running again - finally solved!

rikona rikona at
Sun Oct 26 06:30:09 UTC 2014

On Sat, 22 Mar 2014 22:03:29 -0700
rikona <rikona at> wrote:

> But - for some unknown reason, the da*n pgm started running properly
> again - and, I didn't do anything between not working and working.
> Sheesh... a lot of time and I still don't know what happened or what
> made it work. 

Sorry for replying to such an ancient email, but I finally figured it
out. The same thing happened a few more times, and after several days,
it starts running again - still don't know why. BUT, the last time it
happened I noticed there was an odd "double" slider at the right side of
the problem box. I was having a bit of trouble with this, and at one
point, with lots of mouse fiddling, happened to hit on an extremely thin
vertical line that was not visually evident, and happened to move it a
bit to the left. Amazingly, this was the edge of the missing part of
the box, and I could move it over.

Also, it happens when a very long file name is in the list of files,
and the window tries to expand enough to show the long name, but is
not wide enough to show all of it, thus hitting the right side limit.
Unfortunately, it remembers this position next time too, so it appears

So - it did not actually disappear, but it seemed so visually, and the
divider line was so thin it is nearly impossible to hit with the mouse.
Now I know to fiddle with the mouse enough to trigger that thin line
and move it - problem solved. Just wanted to report this if anyone else
has this problem...

hth, rikona

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