
Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at
Mon Oct 20 14:46:27 UTC 2014

(2014/10/20 23:09), Gene Heskett wrote:
> depmod version gives:
> kmod version 15
> That is not what I asked, is it?  I asked for
> depmod --version
But that is precisely what the computer tells me. using the command WITH 
the "--"
> /sbin/depmod  <-------is the executable you want to 'ls -l' of, we want to
> see the permissions as thay exist now.
This one gives:
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, modules.dep.tmp, 
1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, 
modules.dep.bin.tmp, 1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, modules.alias.tmp, 
1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, 
modules.alias.bin.tmp, 1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, 
modules.softdep.tmp, 1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, 
modules.symbols.tmp, 1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, 
modules.symbols.bin.tmp, 1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, 
modules.builtin.bin.tmp, 1101, 644): Permission denied
depmod: ERROR: openat(/lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic, 
modules.devname.tmp, 1101, 644): Permission denied

I thought, I have solved one problem (which I seemingly did not),
and instead get 10 or more new problems. (right now, A LOT of things are 
not working)

I am under the impression that reinstallation from scratch is the 
shortest way to bliss
(if there is any such thing when dealing with linux)

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