VMware Player rephrase: "Unable to run depmod"

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp
Mon Oct 20 12:37:55 UTC 2014

(2014/10/20 2:36), Nils Kassube wrote:
> Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
>> After the successful installation of VMware Player I get the error:
>> "Unable to run depmod"
>> "See log /tmp/vmware-root/vmware-modconfig-xxxx.log" where "xxxx"
>> changes each time I try.
> Do you still have such a log on your machine? Maybe it gives a clue what
> went wrong.
I believe there are, but when I try to access /vmware-root I get 
"Permissions Denied"
and I could not yet figure out, how to get past that.
> I would also try the command
> sudo depmod -a
> in a terminal. Any error message from that command might give a clue as
> well.
That command does not give any output I can see.

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