
Sajan Parikh sajan at
Thu Oct 16 18:34:07 UTC 2014

On 10/16/2014 10:22 AM, Peter Goggin wrote:
> I need to backup my laptops to an external disk.  When I was using MS 
> windows I used a program Karen' Replicator.
> Is there similar sort of program in ubuntu?
> Regards
> Peter Goggin
Crashplan is amazing and highly configurable.  Many people think you 
have to pay for it, but the software is free if you're backup 
destination is anything but their cloud storage.  You only pay for their 
storage, the software is free and you can have it backup to your 
external disks.

Restores, which are equally important is, are incredibly easy in 
Crashplan as well.

The whole thing is easy to use and incredibly powerful with versioning, 
backup sets, multiple destinations for different backup sets, encryption.

Sajan Parikh

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