Subscription problems and gmane

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Wed Oct 15 16:20:21 UTC 2014

On 10/15/2014 11:11 AM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
>> On 10/05/2014 10:35 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
>>> On 5 October 2014 17:28, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
>>>> Over the last couple of months some of my messages have bounced and the
>>>> reason give was that I was not subscribed.  I have been subscribed
>>>> through
>>>> gmane for a number of years.  A check of the archives shows I have been
>>>> receiving all of the messages.
>>>> The moderators are sympathetic but don't know anything about gmane so
>>>> they
>>>> are unable to help. Has anyone else faced this problem and solved it?
>>> AAIUI Gmane is a Usenet-to-email gateway. This is a mailing list.
>>> There's no need.
>>> So... Don't use Gmane, just subscribe directly?
>> I used to subscribe directly and then someone told me about gmane and I
>> found I liked it better that way.  Even though I used to filter to folders,
>> my inbox seemed cluttered.  I have it set to keep the last 2000 messages
>> for each group I read. I don't see them because I have it set to only show
>> unread messages, but I can show them if I want.  It makes it easy to go
>> back to the start of a thread if want without having to connect to an
>> archive somewhere. I read 3 other groups this way without this problem, but
>> if it persists I will have to go back to the old way.
> My apologies if someone else suggested this and I missed seeing it, but one
> way is to subscribe to the list, then going into mailman at
> and setting your
> subscription to "Mail Delivery: Disabled." That way you ARE a subscriber
> but you will not receive messages from the list.

No one has suggested that, interesting solution.  Right now it is 
working fine, but the next time I get bounced again I will try it.

Thanks,  Jim

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