dual boot 14.04 and 14.10

Peter Teuben teuben at astro.umd.edu
Sat Nov 29 18:57:41 UTC 2014

On 11/29/2014 06:14 AM, James Freer wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Nov 2014, Peter Teuben wrote:
>> One always takes risks dual booting with a shared home directory between
>> even as closely related versions as Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10.
>> I have a few to report, as I'm trying to see if 14.10 is worth going to:
>> Comments and other experiences welcome, I'll try and keep this thread
>> alive with new experiences and solutions:
> My twopence worth - xubuntu 14.10 crashed for me which is the first
> time of any distro I have tried although I have been a xubuntu user
> since 6.10. Last night I put 14.04 back on.
> I think a home directory is best to forget (just use it for hidden and
> config files)... especially if one is thinking of sharing with another
> distro. I use a separate hard disc and then all work files are safely
> elsewhere which is a waste of space e.g. my main hard drive is 500gb
> and I only use 10%. But then hardly worth buying a smallest available
> like 180gb to replace it and use the 500gb for backup. I like the
> default setup that ubuntu have always had - one main partition and an
> extended one for swap.
> Thunderbird I have known problems with, also far too slow for imap -
> have used Alpine and Mutt for a good while and wouldn't go back to a
> gui email client. Alpine used remotely with gmail works well and
> convenient for html when occasionally required.

thanks James.   I will fight for a little bit longer, since I care about
digikam.   I upgraded the system version 4.2.0 (which seems stable) to
4.5.0 (also still stable).

As far as the bugs, a fresh user has no problem displaying the date and
time in the top panel.  I must have some settings that conflict between
unity on 14.04 and 14.10 (really bad design if that's the case between
such versions).  I can have the time now I found out, but I have to
disable the "Weekday" and "Date and month".  I guess a half-bug.   My
persuit continues.

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