Videos in Firefox

Scott Blair scott.blair at
Sat Nov 15 02:03:09 UTC 2014

On Fri, 2014-11-14 at 14:35 -0600, Tommy Trussell wrote:


> By the way, the version of Flash available in linux is an lower
> release number than the Pepper flash Google makes available in Chrome
> or the version of Adobe flash available to Windows and Mac OS. Adobe
> is phasing out support for linux, but does issue updates occasionally,
> but only to address some of the known vulnerabilities (they certainly
> wouldn't be trying to make it compatible with newer hardware). You can
> install Pepper flash using the pepperflashplugin-nonfree package
> (which installs Chrome and yanks Pepper flash out of it for use by
> Chromium) OR to use one of the hacks to enable a Windows version.
> (With all the headaches and risks THAT might involve.)

I got Chromium to work in both Facebook and Youtube. Had to re-install
it and add the pepperflash again, now works.

Thanks for all your help Tommy.


Scott Blair

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