Problems mounting a cell phone

wG|Agent M agent_m at
Fri Nov 14 22:20:21 UTC 2014

On Fri, 2014-11-14 at 16:16 -0500, Nathan Dorfman wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
> > On Sun, 2014-11-09 at 09:15 -0800, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> >> I have a Casio C811 G-zone cell phone
> >> [...]
> >> When I plug it in to the USB port, it shows up in lsusb as an NEC
> >> device, but the file system never mounts and I can't seem to access it
> >> as a /dev device.
> >> The phone has version 4.12 of Android, if that's any help.
> [...]
> > - on the pulled down panel, there should be a USB control to tell the
> > phone to make its memory available as a USB mass storage device. On mine
> > it says "USB connected: Select to copy files to from your computer"
> Android hasn't supported USB mass storage in years -- since version
> 2.3 AFAIK. Currently it speaks something called MTP... I don't know
> how it works in Xubuntu, but in regular Ubuntu it also doesn't show up
> as a mountpoint, but is available via gvfs:
> 1. it should appear in Nautilus under the name of the device or just
> 'Android Phone'
> 2. Colin Law recently and most helpfully pointed out to me that while
> not having its own mount point, it is actually readily available for
> any program under /run/user/$(id -u)/gvfs. Each device will have its
> own unique subdirectory there, starting with mtp.
> There are also two FUSE-based packages mtpfs and jmtpfs in apt, but
> unfortunately I can tell you those have never worked for me.
> -nd.

I have found the AirDroid app to be the simplest solution..can use it to
access phone via USB or Wi-Fi.
Just install and run on the phone, create will give you an
IP:port number to put into your browser, and you can access all files
and messages on phone

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