php question

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sun Nov 2 22:29:13 UTC 2014

On Sunday 02 November 2014 17:16:52 Colin Law did opine
And Gene did reply:
> On 2 November 2014 21:45, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> > Greetings all;
> > 
> > Still running 10.04.4 LTS here, on amd phenom etc, but with a 3.16.0
> > pae/smp kernel.
> > 
> > I need to access a web page for the better half that makes heavy use
> > of php.
> > 
> > Is there a single package in the 10.04.4 repo's that will pull in and
> > install enough dependencies to make the site work?
> > 
> > Looking in the repo it looks as if there must be 500 megabytes of php
> > related stuff, but no one package called php5. :(
> When you say 'access' a web page do you mean you want to provide a
> server that will supply that web page?

No, just use it.  I guess it works from a winderz box. But I am getting 
page not found error for about 80% of the links on that page and I thought 
it might be my lack of installed php stuff.

The site is <>

> If so then you will need a web
> server such as apache. See [1] for how to do that.

Already got that, Colin, its running my web page in the sig. ;-)

Thanks & Cheers Colin, Gene Heskett
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