apache not starting on reboot

Noah noah-list at enabled.com
Mon May 26 16:36:16 UTC 2014

Hi there,

apache is not starting upon reboot and trying to figure out the best way 
to get it working.   I do not find an apache2 start conf file in /etc/init

How do I put an appropriate boot file in /etc/init for apache2?

my run level is 2

--- snip ----

root at virt:/etc/init# grep -i runlevel rc-sysinit.conf
# and enters the default runlevel when finished.
stop on runlevel
# Default runlevel, this may be overriden on the kernel command-line

--- snip ---

apache2 is already added to the service default levels

--- snip ---
root at virt:/etc/init# update-rc.d apache2 defaults
  System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/apache2 already exist.
--- snip ---

   I do not find an apache2 start conf file in /etc/init

--- snip ---

root at virt:/etc/init# ls -l /etc/init/apa*
ls: cannot access /etc/init/apa*: No such file or directory

--- snip ---

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