Programs missing after update. SOLVED.

Stephen stephen_o at
Mon Mar 17 05:49:37 UTC 2014

On 14-03-16 04:42 AM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Stephen wrote:
>> On 14-03-15 02:38 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
>>> First I used a 12.10 system to find out which packages from the ppa
>>> would be installed if I select gcdemu - this is the result: cdemu-
>>> client, cdemu-daemon, gcdemu, libmirage7, vhba-dkms. So these are
>>> the packages I want to build on the 12.04 system.
>>> On tne 12.04 system I added the ppa-file
>>> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cdemu- ppa-quantal.list" from the quantal
>>> system. The important line is this:
>>> deb-src quantal main
>>> where the release name is quantal instead of precise (because there
>>> are no packages for precise).
>>> Then I used the commands
>>> sudo apt-get update
>>> sudo build-dep cdemu-client cdemu-daemon gcdemu libmirage7 vhba-dkms
>>> mkdir gcdemu
>>> cd gcdemu
>>> apt-get source cdemu-client cdemu-daemon gcdemu libmirage7 vhba-dkms
>>> The result were several directories with the source for the
>>> individual packages. In each of those directories I issued the
>>> command
>>> fakeroot debian/rules binary
>>> The command failed in the libmirage directory. But due to the link
>>> Oli posted earlier today, I found that I had to change some of the
>>> files "debian/*.install" and replace the "usr/lib/*/whatever" with
>>> "usr/lib/whatever".
>>> Finally I installed all of the .deb packages which were built in the
>>> top directory. There was still an unmet dependency, so the command
>>> sudo apt-get install -f
>>> installed the missing rest.
>> I'm lost and frustrated. From the instructions above I get a message
>> that tells me that deb-src command not found.
> Well, hopefully we can resolve the problems to overcome your
> frustration. "deb-src command not found" tells me that you probably
> tried to run that line as a command which should be in your
> sources.list. I'll try to explain it a little better:
> >From adding the cdemu ppa you should have a file
> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cdemu-ppa-precise.list". Edit that file with
> the command
> gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cdemu-ppa-precise.list
> and change it so that the contents becomes these two lines:
> deb quantal main
> deb-src quantal main
> Then run the command
> sudo apt-get update
> and I see right now that the next command had a typo (sorry it was
> written from my notes on paper not by copy & paste) it should be:
> sudo apt-get build-dep cdemu-client cdemu-daemon gcdemu libmirage7 vhba-dkms
> The rest of the commands should be without typo, so it continues with
> mkdir gcdemu
> cd gcdemu
> apt-get source cdemu-client cdemu-daemon gcdemu libmirage7 vhba-dkms
> See the quoted text above for the rest of the instructions.
> Nils
Thanks I really appreciate the help. I was trying to run it under the 
classic gnome desk-top but I couldn't get it to work. Then I tried it 
with the unity interface and it worked great.

I forgot to mention that. I didn't like the unity interface so I found 
info on the web that allowed me to install the classic gnome interface.

I have no problems using the unity interface to play windows game.

Thanks again every one that replied, especially Nils who gave me the 


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