File associations 14.04

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Sun Jun 29 11:22:11 UTC 2014

I want to associate all my FLAC files with four scripts that I made a
couple of years ago. In 10.10 this was very easy: Right click the file,
Properties, then go on associating…

In 12.04 this didn't work any more, so I needed to install Ubuntu Tweak and
go from there.

Now, in 14.04, I installed the latest Ubuntu Tweak, that is said to support
14.04, according to this:

I installed it like this:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Seems to work fine. The main window appears and there are a lot of things
to change.
However, when I right click a FLAC file, then ”open with”, none of my
scripts are in the list!

At the same time I also installed Audacious, which I associated as default
application for FLAC files. That one was actually added to the list, but
not my own scripts.

I think I done everything right, but maybe I missed something. Here's what
I checked:
☒ Make sure the script’s location is included in PATH
    They are located in ~/bin
        ~$ echo $PATH

    So that one seems OK.

☒ Make sure every script has a desktop file located in
    Here's one of them:
        $ cat view-flac-tags.desktop
        [Desktop Entry]
        Name=FlacTaggar – Visa

    Seems OK too, right?

So what's going on? And where do Ubuntu Tweak store the file associations?
Maybe I should just edit the files myself…?

Johnny Rosenberg
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