Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Thu Jun 19 20:38:09 UTC 2014

I have a UPS and have installed the NUT Monitor.  I have just noticed that it
has not been running for a while.  At startup the NUT window closed before I
could see any error messages so I started it from the command line.  I assume
the reason it stopped running is that a driver has not been installed after an
Ubuntu update.  Being a somewhat newbe to Ubuntu I had expected that an update
would not cause this kind of problem.

Do I need to uninstall the NUT Monitor and reinstall it or is there another way
to get the driver working?

Is there a way to tell when I need to do that after an update?

bob1 at Jupiter:/$ NUT-Monitor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/NUT-Monitor", line 901, in <module>
    gui = interface()
  File "/usr/bin/NUT-Monitor", line 216, in __init__
  File "/usr/bin/NUT-Monitor", line 685, in connect_to_ups
    commands = self.__ups_handler.GetUPSCommands( self.__current_ups )
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 173, in GetUPSCommands
    raise Exception, result.replace( "\n", "" )

Robert Blair

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