Rhythmbox slow toload a file location

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 16:44:38 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 6:19 PM, Karl Auer <kauer at biplane.com.au> wrote:

> I have a collection of music - MP3 and FLAC encoded - on a Samba share.
> If I use "Import" and point Rhythmbox at the share, it takes a very long
> time to import. A VERY long time.
> It's not copying the actual music file over, otherwise I would see a lot
> of local disk activity and I'd run out of local disk space. I think what
> is happening is that Rhythmbox is collecting tag data from each files,
> but to do so it scans the entire file. That's a lot of data across
> 10,000 files. Seems silly since as far as I know ID3 tag data is either
> at the the very front or the very end of a file, and neither requires
> reading the whole file.
> Is there a better way? Have I missed an option? Or do I just have to
> kick it off and wait? It'll probably take a day or two - the share is
> not on a fast disk.
I don't use Rhythmbox or a Samba NAS but I noticed this expired bug:

The bug expired because the bug reporter didn't follow up on the request
for follow-up, but maybe you and that person are seeing the same problem.
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