replacing windows with Ubuntu
Douglas Pollard
dougpol2 at
Wed Jun 4 13:11:48 UTC 2014
I still have xp on a drive and have had it for a lot of years and have
not used it at all in about five years. I kept it because it had Adobi
Premier on it. Video making in Linux is now good enough and has been
for a long time so I have no need of Premier any more. I will buy a new
Linux computer in the near future and there will be no Windows on it. I
am am a ham radio operator using it for communication on my sailboat and
am running the radio from Linux, doing all the things a sailor may needs
at sea including Navigation, weather fax and Gps on Noaa Navigation
charts. Wonderful stuff this.
Doug Pollard
Albin Vega Sea Legs 2225
On 06/04/2014 08:58 AM, Vinny Ray wrote:
> If I ever decide to get another computer I will wipe the drive of this
> one, chop it up with an axe and boil it in acid and bury it ten feet
> deep out in the woods.
> I am fortunate enough that I dont have any "important" files I need to
> hang onto on my hard drive.
> I learned long ago that windows can blow up at any time and I could
> loose everything.
> What little I do have is already uploaded to my web server.
> If Ubuntu can give me a fresh start and wipe microcrap windows from my
> system during installation then that answers my question.
> Thanks people.
> This below reflects my attitude.
> On 06/04/2014 03:12 AM, Karl Auer wrote:
>> If it were me, I would back up my data files and blow Windows away just
>> for the satisfaction of it. Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!
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