ubuntu: destroy a huge binary file and make it non-readable.

Nandakumar nandakumar96 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 12:41:36 UTC 2014

I think the upcoming version of Gopanam can write the encrypted file
into the same input file. It'll be a new feature.

On 1/26/14, Nandakumar <nandakumar96 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The program is ready even though it is not named yet! I call it simply
> 'File Destroyer'. I think it meets your requirements.
> An alpha version can be downloaded:
> http://nandakumar.co.in/private/filedest
> run this command to install
> sudo cp filedest /usr/bin/
> usage: filedest <inputfile>
> Use carefully since no crash-handling functions are written yet.
> I can release it soon (of course, under GPL).
> On 1/26/14, robert rottermann <robert at redcor.ch> wrote:
>> hi Nandakumar,
>> can you tel us a bit more about that program
>> is there a repository somewher so we migth use/help to debut it?
>> thanks
>> robert
>> On 26.01.2014 12:34, Nandakumar wrote:
>>> This package may help you:
>>> https://launchpad.net/gopanam/+download
>>> You encrypt the file with a key, and if the key is unknown, even the
>>> developer can't decrypt it.
>>> On 1/26/14, John R. Sowden <jsowden at americansentry.net> wrote:
>>>> On 01/26/2014 01:51 AM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>>>>> 2014-01-25 ping song <songpingemail at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:songpingemail at gmail.com>>
>>>>>      thanks.
>>>>>      but guess I haven't make it clear.
>>>>>      my goal is to :
>>>>>      1) not to delete the file, not to chmod either
>>>>>      2) don't change the file size either
>>>>>      3) make the gzip file not being able to ungzipped and viewed -
>>>>>      just to mess up the file and make it not usable (what I meant
>>>>>      "destroy").
>>>>>      I finally use GNU "head" to delete the last a couple of lines
>>>>> like
>>>>>      this:
>>>>>      head --lines=-100 myfile.gz > newfile.gz
>>>>>      after this , gzip can't recogize it. that's it.
>>>>>      but , I doubt this is not the safe way, coz an gzip expert might
>>>>>      be easily open the binary file and fixed the missed lines (I'm
>>>>> not
>>>>>      sure).
>>>>>      maybe I better 'sort' the whole file, or, swap randomly some
>>>>>      lines, so there is no way the file can be read...
>>>>> I know this is way off topic, but I'm just curious: Why do you want to
>>>>> do this? Is the file ever going to be readable again? If not, why not
>>>>> just delete it...? If you want to be able to open the file yourself
>>>>> but nobody else, why not just protect it (encrypt it) with a password?
>>>>> Johnny Rosenberg
>>>>>      On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com
>>>>>      <mailto:lproven at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>          On 25 January 2014 16:17, ping song <songpingemail at gmail.com
>>>>>          <mailto:songpingemail at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>          > may sounds like a sin, but I just wanna know the best way
>>>>> to
>>>>>          change a binary
>>>>>          > file without actually open it (since it's really huge)?
>>>>>          Your subject says "destroy". To me that would seem to mean
>>>>>          securely erase.
>>>>>          But your body text seems to ask about editing it.
>>>>>          As such, I do not understand what you mean.
>>>>>          If you do mean secure erase, read this:
>>>>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/57572/how-to-delete-files-in-secure-manner
>>>>>          --
>>>>>          Liam Proven . Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
>>>>>          Email: lproven at cix.co.uk <mailto:lproven at cix.co.uk> .
>>>>>          GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
>>>>>          MSN: lproven at hotmail.com <mailto:lproven at hotmail.com> .
>>>>>          Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
>>>>>          Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 <tel:%2B44%2020-8685-0498> . Cell: +44
>>>>>          7939-087884 <tel:%2B44%207939-087884>
>>>> we're all sitting on the edge of our chairs waiting for this answer :)
>> --
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