Portable scanner to text for ubuntu 12.04

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Thu Jan 23 15:50:36 UTC 2014

> On 23 January 2014 12:21, Don Parsons <dfp10 at verizon.net> wrote:
>> Is there a recent mobile scanner (scanning to text) that installs easily
>> into Ubuntu 12.04?
>> I have spent much time trying to to install older scanners without success.
> Can you rephrase your question? I don't understand it. I think you're
> using the wrong words.
> A "scanner" is a piece of hardware. In a computer context, it means a

Years ago, before flat bed scanners were around, there were hand held 
scanners which you moved over the paper and captured the image on the 
PC. I haven't seen one of these for many years.


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