Erasing a CD-RW easily

John R. Sowden jsowden at
Tue Jan 7 00:09:15 UTC 2014

On 01/06/2014 03:13 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> 2014/1/6 Pete Smout <smoutpete at <mailto:smoutpete at>>
>     @google hope you enjoyed reading this, It had nothing to do with you!
>     sent from my HTC.
>     On Jan 6, 2014 1:04 PM, "Liam Proven" <lproven at
>     <mailto:lproven at>> wrote:
>     >
>     > On 6 January 2014 09:22, Colin Law <clanlaw at
>     <mailto:clanlaw at>> wrote:
>     > > Is there a new upcoming file manager?  Have I missed something?
>     >
>     > Nemo!
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > Liam Proven . Profile:
>     > Email: lproven at <mailto:lproven at> .
>     GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
>     > MSN: lproven at <mailto:lproven at> .
>     Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
>     > Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 <tel:%2B44%2020-8685-0498> . Cell: +44
>     7939-087884 <tel:%2B44%207939-087884>
>     >
>     > --
>     > ubuntu-users mailing list
>     > ubuntu-users at <mailto:ubuntu-users at>
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>     Hi,
>     I have been reading this thread with great interest as I have used
>     that feature before!
>     I put my old HDD into my machine and booted 11.10 and the feature
>     was available when right clicking the icon on the desktop, not
>     from unity launcher!  This option has been removed in 13.10 (i
>     hadn't noticed until I looked) but I hope it will give you a clue
>     where to start looking!
>     My cdrw's are on there last legs anyway and I don't plan
>     on.replacing them (usb pen drives and cdr's being so cheap now)
>     Also missing from saucy is the option to format USB drives from
>     the right click of icon of mounted drive on the desktop (again no
>     big deal to me), but another feature removed! Before we know it
>     we'll be as restricted as Windows users!
> Yes, I agree. This wasn't why I left Windows. If I had liked Windows, 
> I wouldn't leave it, I left it for a reason, or rather for thousands 
> of reasons, and I was so happy that Ubuntu (7.04) didn't even look 
> like Windows! And I felt a little at home since my old school days, 
> working in Unix around 1990 or so.
> Anyway, I really don't understand that philosophy of removing 
> features. If something is going to be removed because it could confuse 
> beginners, then let there be an easily available "control panel" or 
> something with an "Advanced" tab where the user can bring those 
> features back by just ticking some check-boxes and things like that. 
> How hard can it be?
> Well, I know, I'm repeating myself, sorry.
> Johnny Rosenberg
>     Regards
>     Pete s
> question: I have used the kde burner in the past and it was good. my 
> concern is: if I install the kde burner, doesn't that mean that I have 
> to load onto my computer a bunch of kde enviornment stuff as opposed 
> to the xfce that I am running now?, or even gnome?


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