Erasing a CD-RW easily

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Jan 6 01:09:18 UTC 2014

On 5 January 2014 20:35, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
> Just thought that since there are options like Eject, it could be possible.

The thing is, I think, that "Eject" is a generic option for all
removable media. It does an unmount then (I guess1) tries the eject
command against the device. There is nothing in it specific to a type
of medium.

> Well, at least the Firefox icon has more options than many other icons, and
> those extra options are Firefox specific (and the launcher isn't managed by
> Firefox, right?), so it seems like the icon behaviour are at least somewhat
> configurable in one way or another.
> And I'm pretty sure that I have seen a web page where they describe how to
> do this… I guess I just need to keep looking then.

That's true - it /can/ be done. But for what you want, it would need
something specific to  CD-RW media that did not apply for
CD/CDR/DVD/DVDR/floppy media. Thus, I think, it would be considerably
harder to do.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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