
MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Sat Jan 4 17:42:57 UTC 2014

I have done some research on how to play (and rip) a blu-ray disc with
Linux/Ubuntu and so far nothing works.

I have pulled down makemkv, handbrake, blu-play and none of them,
separately or in combination, work properly.

Makemkv takes hours to create a ton of files on my disk, it looks like
it works, but it does not appear to produce either a single .mkv file
or any usable stream files.

Handbrake only seems to find 2 titles in the on-disk copy of my
blu-ray, neither of which is the movie I want to watch (they're both
less than 1 minute).

Blu-play, which tries to use makemkvcon and vlc, fails when makemkvcon crashes.

And, of course, vlc complains about libaacs not being right - I made
sure I had the latest and greatest, but no joy.

So, what do I need to be able to watch, and hopefully rip, anything
from a blu-ray disc?

I have Xubuntu Precise 12.04 plus the Raring (3.8) kernel with an LG
Blu-Ray burner..



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