How to get UNIX sort order in the Thunar File Manager?

sktsee sktseer at
Mon Feb 17 04:28:10 UTC 2014

On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 23:04:47 +0000, Jeffery Small wrote:

> sktsee <sktseer at> writes:
>>On Sat, 15 Feb 2014 22:50:11 +0000, Jeffery Small wrote:
>>> These are all great suggestions, but they are not working for me on
>>> Xubuntu 13.10.  I already had LC_COLLATE="C" (along with LC_CTYPE="C"
>>> and LC_MESSAGES="C") set in my startup files, but I moved them to
>>> /etc/default/locale and rebooted just to be sure.  Unfortunately, this
>>> did not change the sorting order and case is still being ignored so
>>> that "bin" continues to sort before "Documents", etc.
>>Bummer. Though for the sake of completeness, could you show the output
>>of the following command?
>>$ xfconf-query -l -c thunar
> After my last post, I found an open bug report on this very issue:
> And here is the output you requested:
> $ xfconf-query -l -c thunar
> /default-view /last-compact-view-zoom-level
> /last-details-view-column-order /last-details-view-column-widths
> /last-details-view-fixed-columns /last-details-view-visible-columns
> /last-details-view-zoom-level /last-icon-view-zoom-level
> /last-location-bar /last-separator-position /last-show-hidden
> /last-side-pane /last-sort-column /last-sort-order
> /last-statusbar-visible /last-view /last-window-height
> /last-window-maximized /last-window-width /misc-case-sensitive
> /misc-date-style /misc-folders-first /misc-horizontal-wheel-navigates
> /misc-recursive-permissions /misc-remember-geometry
> /misc-show-about-templates /misc-single-click /misc-single-click-timeout
> /misc-text-beside-icons /misc-volume-management /shortcuts-icon-emblems
> /shortcuts-icon-size /tree-icon-emblems /tree-icon-size

Hmm. Well, the misc-case-sensitive property setting is present so there 
goes my last idea of what the problem could be :/

I'm running Xubuntu 12.04 with XFCE version 4.10 installed from the 
Xubuntu devs PPA, and it's got the same version of Thunar (1.6.3) that's 
in 13.10. So theoretically Thunar should be able to do a case sensitive 
sort on a 13.10 system since it can do it on a 12.04 one. If I have time 
tomorrow, I'll download the 13.10 live CD and see if I can't get thunar 
to sort properly on it. 


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