i386_defconfig for 3.13.2?

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Thu Feb 13 15:26:46 UTC 2014

On Thursday 13 February 2014, Gene Heskett wrote:
>On Wednesday 12 February 2014, Randy Dunlap wrote:
>>On 02/12/2014 11:08 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Greetings, not making any progress on newer kernel builds yet.
>>> So I unpacked 3.13.2 this morning and copied its
>>> arch/x86/i386_defconfig to .config.
>>> Ran make oldconfig, then 3 or 4 sessions of xconfig removing stuff
>>> that isn't for my hardware & generally making lots of modules where I
>>> wasn't sure.
>>> But, my "makeit" script, when it makes the initrd, spits out this, and
>>> note the not always final "/"
>>> now making a new /boot/initrd.3.13.2.img
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>>> find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>>> And indeed that directory does not exist.
>>> And that string does not exist in the .config.
>>> Does this ring any bells?
>>Not for me, but building the initrd (or initramfs) may be
>>distro-specific. You might have to share the command that was used for
>>that and maybe even the script that was executed (like /sbin/mkinitrd --
>>where yours and mine are probably different depending on distros).
>>Have you (your script) already run 'make install' at this point?
>>AFAIK, that should have created /lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/ and
>>some other subdirectories there.
>Have modified the script, $VER is "3.13.2", to do a make install ahead of
>mkinitramfs -o/boot/initrd-$VER.img $VER && \
>line but these directories:
>now making a new /boot/initrd.3.13.2.img
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>find: `/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/arch/': No such file or directory
>and copying it to initrd-3.13.2.img
>are still not being made, initrd-$VER.img is not being made, and that
>path does not exist in the /etc/initramfs-tools directory. 
>initramfs-tools has been re-installed.
>I'm stuck.  Where can I buy a paddle? :)
>Cheers, Gene

PS: looked at /usr/sbin/mkiniramfs, found it doesn't use the crap in 
/etc/initramfs-tools, but in /usr/share/initramfs-tools.  Grrrr.

There I find this:
gene at coyote:/usr/share/initramfs-tools$ grep -R arch *
hook-functions:		DPKG_ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
hooks/cryptroot:	#   a) /lib/modules/$VERSION/kernel/arch/$ARCH/crypto/$mod-$specific.ko
hooks/cryptroot:	for file in $(find "$MODULESDIR/kernel/arch/" -name "$mod-*.ko"); do
hooks/cryptroot:		archcrypto="$(find "$MODULESDIR/kernel/arch" -type d -name "crypto")"
hooks/cryptroot:		if [ -n "$archcrypto" ]; then
hooks/cryptroot:			copy_modules_dir "${archcrypto##*${MODULESDIR}/}"


Thanks Randy.

Cheers, Gene
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