Weird application menu behaviour

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sat Feb 8 12:58:26 UTC 2014

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On 7 February 2014 22:45, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
>> I have tried a lot of desktops in my time. Now it is Unity's turn. Last
>> was GNOME3, but I found it very buggy indeed. I will give Unity a
>> red-hot go :-)
>> With the Compiz rotating cube and the Expo feature, I'm pretty happy
>> with it. so far. The menu thing was the only major irritation, and to be
>> honest I found that click-to-focus wasn't too bad after a while. But I'm
>> glad to be sloppy again.
>> I've spent more time finding the perfect combination of skydome and
>> background images than anything else :-)
> OK, fair enough and well-said!
> I like it - I find it to be a good "poor man's Mac OS X" and it does
> some things notably better than OS X -- e.g. keyboard control and
> keyboard shortcuts.

A poor man's OS X is a good description of Unity; but not that poor. :)

And the keyboard shortcuts are definitely a plus (there's probably
freeware or shareware to replicate that on OS X - or you could mess
around with AppleScript).

My main reason for using Unity rather than Gnome Shell is that Unity
uses the screen real estate better because of the global application

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