Can't adjust launcher icon size

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Feb 6 14:44:55 UTC 2014

On 6 February 2014 11:04, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> Is anyone else seeing a problem with launcher icon size adjustment on
> 12.04 since a recent update?  The launcher seems to have reverted to
> full size and the adjustment, which I think was in System Settings >
> Appearance is no longer there.
> I have raised a bug

I have realised this is not the problem I thought it was, the problem
is actually that it is defaulting to Unity-2D whereas it was using 3D,
and now that is not possible, likely due to an update to fglrx (ATI
graphics).  It seems I will have to wait for a fix to that.

Thanks to those that replied.


> Colin

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