14.04 - keyboard loosing configuration
Tom Rausner
tom at rausner.dk
Fri Dec 5 22:32:38 UTC 2014
Hi All.
Den 05-12-2014 kl. 23:17 skrev Colin Law:
> On 5 December 2014 at 19:49, Carlos Alberto Alves
> <drcaa at predialnet.com.br> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have a core i5 system on an Asus P68 motherboard with 16Gb RAM, ABNT2
>> microsoft keyboard and a 2 Tb HD. It is running ubuntu 14.04 fully updated.
>> From time to time it looses keyboard configuraton; going from ABNT2 to US
>> international. It needs a reboot to go back to ABNT2 again.
>> Does anybody know how to solve this problem???
> No, but it is interesting that you are seeing that. I also have a
> 14.04 system configured with a UK keyboard and sometimes the £ # and @
> characters go walkabout on the keyboard,
> Colin
Got the problem too. I use danish as keyboard language but from time to time
it it gets transmogriffed into US...
Tom Rausner
tom at rausner.dk
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