Open-VPN Configuration

Emiliano Vazquez emilianovazquez at
Tue Dec 2 13:07:08 UTC 2014

El 02/12/14 a las 05:56, maninder singh escibiĆ³:
> Dear All,
> I have a two machine first one is Server HP Proliant ML150 and second 
> is my laptop. So i need to configure the OPEN-VPN from server to client.
> I was tried to setup setup a OPEN-VPN in my environment with 
> ZEROSHELL, Router/Firewall and help of VPN. But Unable to complete the 
> setup.
> So i need a help anybody who have best idea to configure and where to 
> start i am looking. Please provide any idea or any link or procedure 
> so that i can
> resolve this issue.
Hi. Please let us now what how to are you following.
the best way to help you is know what you do and your problems.

This link is a good start

Follow every step and you will finally create your vpn.

Best regards.

Emiliano Vazquez | PcCentro Informatica & CCTV
Office: +54 (11) 4635-3218 y Rotativas

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