
Patrick Asselman iceblink at
Tue Aug 26 13:18:24 UTC 2014

On 2014-08-23 16:06, a random person wrote:
> On Saturday 23 August 2014 05:54:49 someone wrote:
>> I have not had a mesage for about 2 days. Is this list down?
> Not that I can tell. I have 25 or 30 dated the last 2 days.

Hmmm... is it just me, or is replying to this message via the mailing 
list rather pointless?

Scenario 1: test poster's subscription is indeed malfunctioning
-> sends test message to list -> does not receive his message from list
-> all replies to his message via the list will not reach him, and are 

Scenario 2: test poster's subscription was working okay to begin with
-> sends test message to list -> receives test message from mailing 
list -> knows that everything is okay.
-> No reply to test message needed.

If you wish to help the poster of a test message, by all means go 
ahead, but unless you send him a private email, it will not help him.

Kind regards,
Patrick Asselman

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