Skype woes

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Aug 24 14:41:41 UTC 2014

On 24 August 2014 15:13, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> Hello Colin,
> Sunday, August 24, 2014, 1:49:00 AM, Colin wrote:
>> On 24 August 2014 09:26, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2014-08-24 at 09:04 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
>>>> What do you see for these?
>>>> apt-cache policy skype
>>>> apt-cache policy skype-bin
>>> I see this - which looks suspect.
>>> kauer at karl:~$ apt-cache policy skype
>>> skype:
>>>   Installed: (none)
>>>   Candidate:
>>>   Version table:
>>> 0
>>>         500 saucy/partner amd64
>>> Packages
>>> kauer at karl:~$ apt-cache policy skype-bin
>>> skype-bin:i386:
>>>   Installed: (none)
>>>   Candidate:
>>>   Version table:
>>> 0
>>>         500 saucy/partner i386
>>> Packages
>>> Not sure how this relates to the 4.3 package downloaded direct from
>>> Skype.
>> It confirms that the version available in the repos for 12.04 is 4.2
>> and that you have not got them installed.
> I'm running 12.04 and software center showed it as 4.3, but it did not
> install 4.3 properly until I uninstalled skype-bin with software
> center. Then software center installed 4.3, and 4.3 came up OK.

You saying this made me check which version is currently in 12.04
(previously I just believed Karl when he said it was 4.2).  You are
correct however, on 12.04, sudo apt-cache policy skype shows that it
is 4.3.

Karl, have you run
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
If not then do so and then try
apt-cache policy skype
again.  It should show

If it does then try to install again
sudo apt-cache install skype
It should install skype and skype-bin


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