strange nfs problem, need nfs guru

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu Aug 21 18:13:59 UTC 2014

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> On Thursday 21 August 2014 09:57:12 Tom H did opine
>> Do you have autofs running on the machine where into which you're
>> ssh'ing?
> Yes on both. Concentrating on the lathe box, I appear to be starting a
> new, slightly different (according to an lsof|grep autofs) invocation
> of it every time I try to mount with a different syntax.
> So I'll reboot it for a clean slate, BRB. Yes, fresh reboot show one
> instance of autofs running. The mount has been added to its /etc/fstab
> file:
> coyote.coyote.den /net/coyote nfs defaults 0 0
>> Is "/net" enabled/uncommented?
> Where do I check this?
>> What does "ls /net/ip-address-of-nfs-server" (or "ls
>> /net/hostname-of-nfs-server" if you have dns set up) return?
> local dns is hosts file based. An ls of /net/ip4addr doesn't exist, and
> an ls /net/aliasname is an empty return.

You're not using autofs so you can ignore my question about "/net"
being enabled. Your use of "/net" fooled me and another person who

Is the nfs server "coyote.coyote.den" or "coyote.den"?

The first entry should be of the form "server:export" not "server" as
you have it above.

Does the "/net/coyote" directory exist on lathe?

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