Desktop Organization

Robert Heller heller at
Sun Aug 10 23:10:46 UTC 2014

At Mon, 11 Aug 2014 00:39:42 +0200 "Ubuntu user technical support,  not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> wrote:

> On 10 August 2014 21:01, Robert Heller <heller at> wrote:
> > Actually CDE came later (after *I* had moved to Linux / FVWM).
> Both CDE and FVWM were released in 1993; DECwindows with CDE was the
> GUI of VAX-VMS as well as Ultrix on DECstations.
> Linux was still on v 0.99 at this time and had only recently (as of
> 0.95 in 1992) become capable of supporting X.11. So while I'm not
> saying you're wrong -- it was indeed possible -- this was very new
> edgy stuff at that time.

My first linux install was Slackware 3.0, with Linux kernel 0.99. So, I guess
I was leaving Ultrix about the time CDE was landing on UNIX boxes -- as I said
it was the default setup on the IRIX (SGI), Solaris (Sparcs), and OSF
(Alphas). I believe the Ultrix box might have been setup to boot to a 'black
login screen' (eg run level 3 or something) and X11 was started with xinit or
startx -- we were NOT using a graphical login screen -- many of the other UNIX
boxes were using graphical logins. I think I was in fact using fvwm on the
Ultrix box and not CDE. The VAXStations were long gone by then -- eg *I* only
used them *before* CDE came out and 'avoided' using CDE on the Ultrix machine
by moving to fvwm and to an emulation of VAX/VMS DECWindows pre CDE. Then
later migrated to Linux on a Gateway Pentium Pro 200 system (with the same
emulation of VAX/VMS DECWindows pre CDE), which I used until I was laid off on
Nov. of 2005. I run much the same emulation of VAX/VMS DECWindows pre CDE on
my current home desktop and laptop and have managed to get something like it
working on the Ubuntu 14.04 workstations at the library where I manage the
computer system.  (*My* machines all boot to run level 3 and I use startx [in 
my .login script] to fire up X11 -- I *personally* hate GUI login screens.)


Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services
heller at       -- Webhosting Services

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