Erratic firefox behavior

Peter Smout smoutpete at
Thu Aug 7 07:57:42 UTC 2014

On 07/08/14 03:50, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> Using Ubuntu 12.04 firefox from the repositories updated to version 31.0
> I'm not sure exactly when it started but for sometime now Firefox has
> been sometimes been starting up and opening whatever tabs I happened to
> leave open when I shut it down. I don't have any tabs pinned and in
> settings I have the startup page as about:blank.
> I looked through about:config and found the following settings, which
> all seem to be correct.
> browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone;31.0
> browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID;20140715215003
> browser.startup.homepage;about:blank
> If I remember correctly there once was a setting that said not to reopen
> tabs that were open at shutdown, but I can't seem to find it now.
> It appears to be random.  I can shutdown with tabs open 5 times in a row
> and have open a blank page and then the next 3 times it will open what
> happened to be open at shutdown.
> Due to the randomness of the problem it could be a long time consuming
> process to start disabling addons or setting up a new default profile.
> So before I do that, I was wondering if anyone else was seeing this
> behavior and maybe had a solution.
> Regards,  Jim

I have been seeing a similar thing but only if firefox is not shut down 
before I logout / reboot, then it tries to recover from what it sees as 
a crash!

The only solution I have found (or bothered looking for) is to shut ff 
down before logout or reboot!

Hope this helps!

Pete S

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