
compdoc compdoc at
Wed Aug 6 17:14:51 UTC 2014

> Hard drives, net cards, and even motherboards die.  To be forced to buy
yet another copy

I replace dead motherboards and drives for customers on a monthly basis, and
reinstall Windows each time using the same license. Microsoft is very
generous and cooperative is this regard. 

It amazes me how anyone can justify piracy based on their lack of IT skills,
or their bias towards Microsoft or the music industry or any entity because
they charge for their products. 

And this doesn't excuse the stupidity of suggesting the use of infected
software in these lists. The very first hit on google for ' Remove***' tells
you to disable your AV before running. The reason for that is the infection
it includes. 

I'm not a gambler, but I would be willing bet that Liam will be responsible
for the infection of dozens if not hundreds of computers by the time these
posts circulate the web in the next few days. Not to mention being
responsible for piracy of that many copies of Windows.

Windows is a great product. And so is Ubuntu. Have some integrity and show
some intelligence. 

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