Liam Proven
lproven at
Tue Aug 5 11:40:43 UTC 2014
On 5 August 2014 13:22, Dick Dowdell <dick.dowdell at> wrote:
> VirtualBox does have an advantage over a dual boot installation in that one
> can switch back and forth between OSes without rebooting. With
> hardware-level virtualization, performance is excellent.
Please put your response *below* the text to which you are replying.
Gmail supports this just fine; I am using it right now. Press Ctrl-A,
trim and then type.
VBox is fine for some things, but for others, native bare-metal
performance is key. I don't see them as exclusive alternatives; I have
a rarely-used copy of Win7 in a native hard disk partition, and the
official MS XP Mode VM running under Virtualbox as well (and also
Liam Proven • Profile:
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