Sync music with Samsung Galaxy SII

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Mon Apr 28 20:04:46 UTC 2014

     I've got Ubuntu 13.10, and an Samsung Galaxy SII/Sprint.

	I'm trying to emulate a Smart Playlist I have setup in iTunes for my 
iPod; Since I have more music in my library than will fit on the device.
	The playlist moves only 5GB worth of songs on to the device, where the 
playcount >5. Once a song on the device hits playcount=5, it gets 
removed so another can be put on. Also, the playcount for the song(s) in 
the PC library should be updated to match what is on the Smasung.

	I've gotten Rhythmbox & Banshee to get music on the device, but neither 
read the playcount - when I used the default music player on the Samsung...

	Suggestions? Better solution? Even if it's not Linux. I have a Mac & 
Win7 machine as well...
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -
Registered Linux user number 464583

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