14.04 upgrade issues

John Sowden jsowden at americansentry.net
Tue Apr 22 02:55:45 UTC 2014

two computers-xubuntu:
ongoing problem-both computers running xubuntu, neither the same. Now 
its 14.04 time

home upgraded via the net
screen looks the same, says ubuntu 14.04 lts (not xubuntu)
but otherwise, my structure is the same (menu, icons, etc.)

office upgraded via dvd iso
different story
my icons are gone
the top bar (its got a name) is empty (how am I supposed to play 
freecell when talking to a customer if its not on the top bar? ? :)
the menu is gone, substituted with "favorites" how microdollar (m$)
my home directory is now buried in the file system.  I cannot access my 
browser (ff)
bookmarks, when I try to see my accounting spreadsheets I run gnumeric 
instead of libreoffice
when I attempt to read my mail, it asks to set up a new account.

as the bard said, something is rotten in the isle of mann, or something 
like that.

I should have known something would go wrong.  When I booted the iso, it 
did not give me the option of upgrading my existing xubuntu, among its 5 
or so options.

what now?


psssssssssss: if we expect Linux to conquer the world, these things 
should not happen.

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