lightdm requests to unlock SIM - how to stop this

Tobias Krais tux-spam at
Mon Apr 21 20:19:02 UTC 2014

Hi together,

I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04. On 12.04 my SIM card in my notebook 
was unlocked after logging in.

Now in 14.04 just after starting lightdm a screen appears to enter my 
SIMs PIN to unlock the card. I wanted to get rid of it, so I told the 
screen to unlock next time automatically. For this I had to create a 
password for a new keyring. And now on each start of lightdm a screen 
appears that requests the new kexring password. I really want to get rid 
of these screens and unlock my SIM after logging in. Has anyone an idea 
how to do this?



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